Friday, January 15, 2010

Think National Lampoon...

Since we just had one of the most extraordinary experiences of our lives, I thought I would take the time out here in Cairns to let you know about our trip today. And to post this...

And this...

And these two...

And finally this one...

Aren't we cool? We swam the Great Barrier Reef! The Great Barrier Reef! Holy crap what a day!!! We saw all types of beautiful fish. They were everywhere. And a shark! And then Grace holds out her hand and has a jelly fish. It just "swam right in" she says. Of course I scream, since a lot of those suckers are deadly here (hence the all over body condoms) and she dropped him right back in the water.

Grace, by the way, was the absolute best snorkeler in the family (aside from Jason). She motor boated all around with no fear. I had a hard time keeping up with her. We had a bit of difficulty figuring the whole thing out with three kids but eventually worked out a system where everyone was safe and we got to see a lot. Notice the noodles in each picture - made life a whole lot easier out there.

By the way, does anyone really remember a life without noodles? I guess it was kind of like a life without internet. We lived a long time without it but it's sure hard to imagine now.

But despite the successes of the day, the Australians probably hope we don't come back. We're the Griswolds. Yep, modern day Griswolds is what we are.

When we finally set sail to dry land again, we had certainly left our mark. Because of us, the bottom of that Great Barrier Reef now sports the following...

1) A swim fin.
2) A hair tie.
3) A fork.
4) A wad of Extra Wintergreen Fresh gum.

No need to thank us world. Just looking to make things a bit more interesting for all those who come after.

Leaving our mark on the world, one utensil at a time,
The Cavs


Anonymous said...

Oh My God!! How nervous do you think I was looking at those pictures.

Nervous Nelly

Anonymous said...

Holy snorkel! The photos are fabulous ... wish I was with you! Love Aunt DeeDee

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of all of you. I guess swimming in Nonny and Gramps pool will be boring from now on.

Love ya Nonny

Anonymous said...

Hi. Writing from a balmy -12 in Iowa. Best friends with Beth Belew. We grew up together in Maryland. Please take care of her. Don't let her get eaten by a rogue croc and keep her away from champagne. And lord don't let her mix the two. Loved the Reef pics.