Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Laundry Elf

Cole Doing Laundry

Poppa's been teaching Cole to do laundry. I say "Ha" to that because Jason seems to ruin everything he washes. It's the same reason he always did a pitiful job of putting diapers on the kids when they were little, or why he wipes the toilet seat with tissue when asked to scrub the bathroom...he doesn't like the job and therefore he does it poorly knowing that I won't ask him to do it again. It's genius really. Took a few years to figure it out though (never said I was quick when it comes to Jason's mind...I seem to always be a step or two behind). Anyway, Cole helped with the laundry.

In other news, Brady learned to ride a 2-wheeler. She's a little unsteady yet, but she's doing great. Cole's getting better with his every day too. They've been brave little monkeys so far, getting back up each time they fall with very few tears. Grace is already crying to learn herself (never one to be left out) so we'll have to start working on that soon.

Kid Cavanagh Funnies:
While planning our trip to the Desert Park, we talked about wanting to make it to the Birds of Prey show, Brady wanted to know how it was that birds prayed! (Coo Coo Ca Choo - Betty Sue, that one's for you).

Cole was saying something silly (can't even remember what it was now), Brady kept fussing at him about it. Cole said "I'm just being silly. God Brady (sounding exasperated), that's why I don't like you very much." Classic.

Anyway, click the pic for a few more candid shots and a couple from the Christmas Program.

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Star on the Rise

Thanksgiving Program

These are videos of Brady's Christmas Program at school. In the first, she is not wearing a costume and is standing beside the Christmas tree, in the second she is the third angel from the right and the last she is the last angel on the right.

The second clip is where Brady had her very own solo singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". If you are wondering why she keeps circling, she's trying to keep sight of the star being carried around the group.

She did such a wonderful job!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone for us. I guess it's still going on for all of you unless you've overloaded on turkey and dressing and decided to call it a very early day. (Too much Tryptophan).

Our first Thanksgiving in Australia was uneventful. Jason did get his haircut but the car had to wait (two week wait if you can believe it). We spent the day at home being slugs while the kids played with the neighbors. Eventually we mustered the energy to clean the house. It's always much quicker and easier to stomach when the five of us do it together. And of course the kid's cooperate more because Jason has that fatherly presence that seems to whip them into action, whereas I have to beg, plead and order every tiny chore I get out of them. Anyway, since Brady's Christmas program at school was to start at 6:00, I decided we would eat Thanksgiving Dinner at about 5:00 then head on to the school. I had purchased an imposter turkey (you have to preorder the real ones and they run about $60-$80). It was called "Turkey Leg Roast" on the label. It seemed to be a big turkey leg and lots of dark meat squished into a roast like ball and bound with string. But I figured "What the Hell, turkey is turkey". But the mad chef strikes again! I misread the label (I know, very hard to believe) to say that it should be cooked for 40 minutes - but it actually read 40 min per 500 grams!!! Big difference and it threw off our dinner timing plans since I didn't actually start it until 3:30. Well, the girls were too excited about their new little dresses to worry about eating so we cooked half the food and headed off to the program. We came home directly after, finished cooking and were able to sit down to a meal at precisely 7:45 in the evening. That's a good 15-30 minutes after the kid's normal bedtime. The turkey wasn't half bad. We had mashed potatoes, broccoli, corn-on-the-cob, fresh melon (it's summertime here), and a couple of other things I can't actually recall right now. We had brownies for dessert. It wasn't Momma's Thanksgiving dinner but it was something.

The Christmas program was great! I must brag for a moment - Brady was the only child with a solo singing part!!!!!!! Her teacher said she has a wonderful singing voice. We recored her stirring rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and I hope to have it and a few other pictures downloaded later today so be on the lookout.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We miss you and wish we could be with you today. Out of all the things we have to be thankful for, our family and friends are the most important. You all continue to amaze me with your love and support in everything that we do. We are blessed and we love you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And it Continues...

Will the sickness ever end? Cole's still seems to be lingering. He now has very faint polka dots on his face. I sent him to school yesterday thinking everything was fine. When I picked him up, he walked across the campus towards me at a sluggish pace with his head kind of hanging down. Poor baby stayed at school with a headache all day. His temp was 102.5. Those are when Mommies feel their worst. Anyway, why do you suppose it is that, at home, there's no fever and everything's great, but send them to school and everything goes to hell in a handbasket? Well of course he'll probably have the whole week off. We're keeping him out for Thanksgiving regardless.

That's another issue altogether. Gotta get a turkey, or something else that is Thanksgiving like. Guess I need to do that today, huh? Since the Aussie's (by the way, that's pronounced Ozzies) don't celebrate thanksgiving, we've decided to get a few things done on our self-pronounced holiday. We hope to take the car in for servicing, get Jason a haircut (which you have to make appointments for here - none of that walk-in stuff), and do a little Christmas shopping. Oh and of course have a grand meal in a spotless house, giving thanks for all of our blessings. I think we can fit it all in. The meal part will be tough. Last night I screwed up a pork-roast and had to make a quick meal of homemade Chili-Mac to substitute (thanks to my can of Hormel chili from the commissary). Why can't I cook? Thanksgiving here should be interesting. As if I'm not challenged enough, now I have to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius for everything recipe. And the oven's so tiny it's comical. Yes, the deck is stacked against me. Good thing is, if I screw up, nothing's closed, so take-out is still an option.

In closing, Cole told me this morning (it's 7:30 am here) that he wants to learn to sky-dive. I'm sure it took a couple of years off my life just thinking about it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Gracie Gets the Polka Dots

Polka Dots

The kids have been sick. So what's new? (Although I must admit, it has been a while since we've had to deal with the sickies) First Brady ran a fever, then Grace and now it's on to Cole. Why it can't happen to all at one time is beyond me. Of course now that Gracie is better, we're still unable to take her anywhere because of the horrible spots that have come after the fever. She enthusiastically explained it to the Doctor as "I got polka dots!". Fortunately, the Doctor told us it's not Chicken Pox and she's not sick enough for it to be measles. Therefore it's must be one of those wonderful "other" viruses that kids get from time to time. While she's no longer contagious, she's utterly unpresentable. We've been spending a lot of time indoors. Click on the picture for more pics from a girl's photo session.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

All Hail the French's!

Ok, so undoubtedly you all have been wondering where I've been. After all, it's been a while since my last post. And yes, I am in no way kidding myself into thinking that this is more about me (or Jason for that matter) than it is about getting more pictures of the kids! Sorry, there are none to be found here, but I promise to start clicking and uploading more soon - hopefully tomorrow. In the meantime, I suppose an explanation is in order.

First, I've been very busy. The holidays are among us. Since everything is quite expensive here and I have to order online to get the things we need shipped in, that means that I cannot be my usual procrastinating self and wait until the last minute. As those of you know who have received their photo books, I've been a busy bee. Unfortunately, most of my time spent online searching for the right gifts ends with a few gifts (not nearly what I need) and a few laughs (I'm easily sidetracked). So while I've been online, I haven't concentrated on blog or email much at all.

Also (and how should I put this without worrying the beejeesus out of everyone?), I've been in a funk. I say funk because saying I've been depressed sounds, well, depressing. We were inundated with tons of information when we moved here about what to expect. The psychologists put out lots of info on what I like to refer to as the "cycle" of emotions on moving to Alice Springs. At first you're definitely on a high just from excitement alone. It's exciting moving to a new place, meeting new people, doing new things. Then comes that place on the chart (there actually was a chart) where the inclining line of excitement humps and becomes the declining line of depression. I woke up one morning and said "yep I'm there". Much like "stop the adventure I'm ready to get off". It's a point where you realize that while everything is fun, it's still basically all the same just with a lot more hassle - new = hassle. So essentially, I walked around in my funk for awhile. Doesn't really feel like the holidays, but I have the pressure of the holidays. Have great new friends but miss the old. That kind of stuff.

Anyway, I'm feeling better now. Probably not 100%, but much better so no worries from any of you! (Did I mention that's like the Australian motto "No Worries" - it's true everyone says it) But isn't it funny how the strangest things can perk you up? Two days ago we received our commissary shipment from Japan (ordering American groceries to be mailed free of charge from one of our commissaries in Japan is one of our perks). As Jason and I were loading our many boxes of groceries in the car, I noticed a sign on the door of the APO that simply said something to the affect of "Property of the Australian Government". For some reason this hit my funk like a ton of bricks - all but shattering it. I am really in another country. And despite the fact that a very rude man gave me a parking ticket that day and talked condescendingly to me, it's been a great experience so far. They are all so wonderful. And it's all so beautiful. And I should be enjoying it not stressing it. Then we get home and unload our treasure (and yes, it's a treasure when you consider you don't know when you'll see your next Chessmen cookie and, oh look, there's some in your box) and the next thing you know, I'm eating an egg and cheese sandwich with, wait for it.......Kraft mayonnaise! And the next day, I had a turkey sandwich with, wait for it........French's mustard! And the last of my funk went tumbling.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

All About Me

Tomorrow I turn the big 3-7. One year closer to the big 4-0. But I won't complain as to not irritate those of you reading this who are older than I am. I told Jason that when he comes home tomorrow morning (he's working a night shift tonight), that the only thing I ask of him is to remember to tell me "Happy Birthday". Because, let's face it folks, my husband isn't the best at remembering those types of things. But I love him anyway. The present I requested?...a day of peace in our room. No, no, not that kind of peace...I want Jason to get up with the kids and take care of them for one entire day next weekend so that I might have a full day of rest and relaxation hanging out in our room. (Remember, this is Alice Springs - not many places to go for the day and truthfully, I might not feel like putting on my makeup). I may read, I may write, I may sleep. Whatever I choose, I want to do it without little people bothering me and without worrying about them. Probably not a good sign that he walked out laughing his head off. But I'll keep you posted.


Man I'm happy Halloween is over! I'm tired. It got the best of me, I must admit. We did have a blast this year but the price was high. Anyway, here are the pics from the grown-up party. Every year the people from work (Jason's not mine - haha) throw a big bash with a live band in the middle of one of what we like to call "the single people"'s neighborhood. Jason and I went over with our neighbors (it's within walking distance). The pictures here are pre-party since I refused to go around all night carrying my camera. But, hey, that's when we usually look our best anyway. Jason went as Steve Irwin - The Crocodile Hunter (notice the chest wound - we're so morbid). Everyone totally loved him! I went as Axl Rose and rocked in my costume (whoda thunk you could actually find a kilt in the middle of a place like Alice Springs). The highlights: a priest tried to feel my boobs (which goes to show how hard up a priest must be since mine aren't exactly impressive), we got to use Rick James bathroom, Jason was a master at beer pong (but we still lost because I suck), my husband actually danced with me (woohoo!), we partied like we were 20 again except at 11:00 I called it quits because I wanted my bed!!!! We are too old for this!

Grownup Halloween

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Real Halloween

Had a party. The kids had a blast. Got a few pics of our three and lots of shots of people you guys don't know. Our kids never seemed to be around. (Don't worry - they were all being taken care of!) Jason cooked hotdogs until he had to go to work. The kids crashed close to 9:00 on a serious sugar high. Didn't hear anything out of them for the remainder of the night! Click to see the other pictures.

Halloween - Again