Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, Saturday now. But these were taken on Friday. Brady was all smiles.

Gracie didn't like the multi-grain toast. She decided it was better to go hungry than to eat it. Even if it was slathered with butter and jam. Oh, and it's jam here. Not jelly. Jelly is gelatin.

And Cole was sick.

Since I returned home from Adelaide 2 weeks ago, I've had 1 (count it with me...1) day when all 3 kids have been in school. That was Thursday. Oh what a sweet, short-lived moment in time. I miss that good old day.

A friend of mine left this on our doorstep.

In her note, she told me to "bathe the kids in it". And when it stings, I'll just tell them to stop being wimps. That means it's working!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's a Dog Eat Man World

Now this is Alice.

Check out this article in The Centralian Advocate, Alice Springs newspaper.

"Having a feed of this bloke"? I shouldn't laugh. No I shouldn't. And I'm certainly not laughing at that poor, probably very drunk, man. It's the witness. It's the "Having a feed of this bloke".

Yeah, yeah...I'm going to hell anyway.

Thank you for your comments.

Kat - thanks for the comment. Been low in the comment department lately (hint, hint). At least I know someone is out there listening to what I have to say (big sigh). And in response to said comment: I tried, God knows I tried. The boy has a mind of his own.

Thursday Morning Discourse

Gracie: Hit it Mom! That means to you to start singing.

Mom (singing): Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning from the sun. Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning everyone.

Cole (still abed): Uuuunnghh.

Gracie: Hit it Mom! That means to you to start singing.

Mom (singing): Wake up little Coley, Wake up! What'll ya tell your momma, what'll ya tell your pop, what'll ya tell your friends when they say OHH LA LA?

Cole: Uuuunnghh.

Brady: Mom could you stop singing? You're making my belly hurt.

Mom: I'm making your belly hurt?

Brady: Yeah, you don't sing so good and "ohh la la" is saxy words.

Mom: sAxy words?

Brady: Yeah, saxy words and you're making my belly hurt.

Cole: Uuuunnghh.

Gracie: Hit it Mom! That means to you to start singing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Snippets of Life

Brady got these...

Which made her feel well enough for this...

And then my manly man did this...

And my homeboy did this...

And this one may be cute but she can just kiss this...

Old? I am so not old. Of course I'm not. I'm young and sexy. Ok, so I'm not as limber as I used to be, but oh well! What would I do with a split anyway? Wait...don't answer that.

Here's where my arrow went...

Of course it's a re-enactment. Mine was actually buried in the dirt to the hilt. But in my defense, it wasn't there because of aging eyesight. It was there due to total lack of upper body strength. That's right, couldn't hold it stretched back and keep it still enough to aim. That thing was wobbling all over the place. Jason was yelling at the kids "Get back, get back, it's gonna go!!!!". And then it went. And since I did it wrong, it took the epidermis and dermis off a good 6 inches of the inside of my arm with it. Ouch.

Since it hurt me and I'm a wimp, no more shooting for me. So, to all bow hunted animals, and any other humans that might have one day been in my line of are safe. No need to thank me.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Real Alice Springs

I haven't given a lot of thought thus far about filling everyone in on the type of place we are living. For the past year I've focused on the kids, occasionally us parents and some basic differences between the US and Australia. Now, I want to get a little more into life here in the Red Centre. In the middle of Australia, very remote and more Aboriginal than just Australian I think. It's a place for the meeting, and occasional clashing, of two very different cultures. Although we are in Australia, we may as well be smack in the middle of another world. It's that different from living in some of the other areas of the country. But it's unique. And it's what makes Alice Springs...well, Alice Springs.

Today we'll start here. These are four Northern Territory Transport Ads that focus on Aboriginal issues. I want you to sit through to #3. Titled "Pedestrian". It's purpose is to help Aboriginals make important decisions about, of all things, sleeping arrangements. Don't disregard the others, though. Their message is just as strong. These are "for real" and play on local stations. I also like the portrayal of Drunk Man
in spot #2, titled "Alcohol". And of course Reggae Dave. I smell an Emmy. Or at lease one of those World's Funniest Commercial awards.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Sicky, The Sassy, The Soldier and The Swole Up

Brady's still sick. Still, still sick. But before you Grandparents start in, I'm going to take her in to see the doctor tomorrow if she's not any better.

Worse, she had to miss her school program tonight. She cried. Then I cried. Then I made promises. They always make us feel better. So as soon as she's better, we're going to dress her up in her little Indian Girl costume and have her perform Land of the Silver Birch and post it here on the blog (once again, let's hope I can actually figure out how to do it).

Grace has been sick. But hers is more of an off-and-on sickness. When it's off, she's fine. When it's on she's miserable. Us too. It's real, it's just not real consistent.

Tonight Cole will be performing in Room 13's rendition of Wizard of Oz. He's a soldier. As you can see here, the garb is all black with a cool little sword. What is it with men and swords anyway? Yeah, yeah, stupid question.

Note the cute little tooth gap. Sorry Cole. I meant the studly and handsome tooth gap.

Lastly, I leave you with this. Purposely taken and posted to make you feel even more sorry for me than you already do.

And, yes, it hurts. Sniff, Sniff.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Me and My Knee

Home from the hospital. Or should I say, home at the hotel. I'll be flying to my real home tomorrow. None too soon. After this experience, I'm ready for my maddening, crazy, hectic home, and for my family. I miss them.

And I sure needed my husband with me. Turns out there was no torn meniscus. Turns out Angie's knee cap wasn't tracking which required a "lateral release". Meaning I'm in considerable more pain and walking with crutches.

Things at the hospital went as well as could be expected last night, considering I had enough pills shoved down my throat to start my own pharmacy, and finally, when they didn't work, two shots of morphine. Ouch.

This morning started out sucking and went downhill from there. Most problems were due to the nurse from hell. I'm telling you, Satin himself sent that woman on accounta' I'm becoming a good Catholic. He's just spittin' mad.

I'll write more about her later and my rather emotional state. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine and no longer drooling (well not much).

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I love you guys!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Operation is a success....

Hello everyone...just in case you checked here first...Miss Angie is OK!

The surgery went well, but no details yet. It seems that the doctor is a big advocate for morphine and Angie was fading like disco as we talked. We should have more details tomorrow. Angie will be discharged around 1000 our time. She'll spend one more night in Adelaide, then head home on Friday.

In case you are interested, the only polysyllabic word Angie could speak (though it sounded like she was drooling) was meniscus. So...I am assuming that the Doc removed some of it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Girl DNA

As promised in Angie's note...

I was talking with Gracie yesterday in the car ( "yesterday" which is not to be confused with "lasterday," Brady's oft quoted word for which she has become quite famous). Gracie was allowed to sit in the front seat. Not sure if you have ever noticed, but whenever this happens kids magically transform in age. Is it because they are now in a "big person" seat? Maybe it is because they are no longer in the back seat hidden from the direct view of a parent? Who knows? Just one more riddle.

Whatever the reason, they become more mature and serious right before your eyes...and they usually want to talk.

So this is the situation I was in the car with Grace, and the "boy subject" came up. For those of you who do not know, Brady has a boyfriend, one of our neighbors. He wrote her name in his diary, so it must be serious. (Don't ask what a boy is doing with a diary, for some reason it is a common term here and can mean calendar, notes, notebook, or even diary, probably a few other things as well.)

She said "Do you know Antonio?"

I said "Yes, he played baseball with Cole last year. Why?"

She said "Because he going to ask me out, and I am going to be his girlfriend."

I said "Ohhhh, that is nice. How do you know that?"
(Men, learn from the master, never say no in this situation)

She said "Because he told me, but don't worry, I will not kiss him on the lips. I do not like him that much."

I said "Well that is good. You are too young to be kissing anyone on the lips. Plus it spreads germs...YUCK!"

She said "But if he doesn't ask me out, I am going to be very sad. So I will have to break up Brady and Nick."

I said "What? Why on earth would you do that? That is not a nice thing to do."

She said "But I would have to -- because I would be sad and she would have a boyfriend and I wouldn't. And when I break them up, it will be FOREVER (in a very imperious tone but not quite an exclamation)."

Now there you have it. Distilled in its most raw form. On display without bias, Prada shoes or a Donna Karen dress. Girl DNA in its most pristine form.

A four year old girl, happy in every way. Not once has she been scorned,dumped, or stood-up.

She has decided that the only way for her to be happy (when not in a romantic relationship of her own) is to sabotage her sister's romantic relationship. Amazing...but not surprising I guess.

I guess the only question left is...what will happen when they both want to ride the same Camel?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Civilization and IKEA!!!!

Well, I made it!!! And I sure ain't in Kansas anymore! (Shoutout to T) Stepping into the Adelaide airport was almost shocking. It's not nearly as big or crazy as Atlanta but I was overwhelmed!

Surreal. A bit dreamlike. Then it came to me. I haven't been in a crowd (larger than the one at our dirty little K-Mart) for about a year. And there was food...everywhere. I should have stopped to eat but I was afraid that if I didn't follow the cattle line to baggage "reclaim", I would get lost. I'm out of crowd practice.

I made it to the hotel pretty easily. Luckily Harpuneet (my taxi driver) didn't wreck when we passed IKEA and I screamed. A quick trip through the drive-thru bottle shop and I had wine and Diet Coke. What more does a girl need?

I took pictures of Harpuneet. What a good sport he was. I'm sure he was thinking "Crazy American". I insisted on riding in the front. Made him wait while I picked out my wine. Drove him crazy with questions on the way to the hotel (he didn't talk much). Then I took his picture without really asking.

Sadly, I forgot my camera cord. You'll have to wait until the weekend to see Harpuneet or any more of my adventure.

Back home everyone is doing well. Jason is way more organized than me. He says it's because he has nothing else to concentrate on like I do. I think he's just trying to be nice.

Stay tuned for a post on a "big girl" conversation that Jason had with Gracie in the car yesterday. J described it as "girl DNA on display". Catchy title.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big City, Here I Come!

Tomorrow I'm off to Adelaide. The goal: to get my knee cut. Well, actually, to get it fixed.

The knee is cooperating. I was hoping that it would swell up before I left so that I wouldn't look like a complete idiot. After sitting in the theater for 2 hours last week, it came through for me. (And here you thought it only acted up when I go dancing in my high heel boots. Oh ye of little faith.)

The only draw the time they see it, if still swollen, it will have been that way for a week. Misery. I hope the two hour plane flight doesn't do me in.

Anyway, my flight heads out at 12:45 tomorrow. I'll spend the morning begging the hospital to come up with and release films for the x-rays I took a week or so ago. Completely forgot to go pick up the films which I'm supposed to have in hand for my appointment. Wish me luck.

On a side note, it's hard to leave because Grace started running a fever last night - and she has a bad belly. Oi! What timing. I hate leaving her. Worse yet, I hate feeling that somehow I'm going to be stricken by the same fate in the middle of my week, like the day before surgery or some such. I'm very fragile when I have a bad belly.

But I'm keeping a good outlook and expect for all to go smoothly (despite the fact that a friend of mine keeps talking about blood clots and unexpected wound bleeds). Jason has graciously allowed me to use his laptop for the trip which means I should be able to post here and use Skype to keep you all in the loop.

I'm considering taking my camera and documenting the entire process. Well, not the surgery of course. But a few pics of people and places as I go on my adventure might be cool for you guys. I'm hoping to hit a (gulp) mall. Lawdy mercy I haven't seen a mall in over a year. Jason has also threatened to do some "drive-by posting" while I'm gone. Of course his writing won't be as witty as mine usually is...but we'll humor him!

I'll leave you with this. Brady fell asleep getting her groove on. Isn't she cute? Look how dirty she is. Ew.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gracie School Picture

She's the first on the left in the back row. What a cutie pie!! Check out the mohawk on the the front row, 5th from the left.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Kids That Broke The Camel's Back

Camels are a large part of life here in our neck of the woods. Or should I say "neck of the bush"? There are wild camels, camel tour groups, camel farms and camel races. The kids and I actually went to see the camels race and, let me tell you, you haven't seen anything until you've seen these big, beautiful, horribly ungraceful creatures racing. Unfortunately for you, I had camera issues. (Translate: Angie forgot to put the card in) Therefore, no pics. A great experience no less.

Jason and I have also eaten camel meat. It was awesome!! Well, as long as you block pictures like the one above from your mind. Cute little bloke. And for those of you who will never try either of them, you can tell your friends that camel is tastier than kangaroo.

A few weeks ago, the kids and I joined up with a few friends for our first visit to the camel farm. The kids all got to ride. I really, really wanted to ride. But they were being led around in a circle at a snails pace by one of the employees . It would have been too damn humiliating to even contempalte. So I chickened out. Not to mention what the helmet (and the plastic lice resistant shower cap) would have done to my image!

But I got great pictures of the kids.

Here are the girls.

And here they are being led around the track.

Here are Cole and his friend Ryan. Such concentration.

And there was petting.

Gracie had a case of the sillies.

Brady had an itchy nose.

And in the end, everyone had ice cream. Well all except Grace and Matthew. In their excitement, they grabbed ice cream and ran out of the store before we were able to pay for it. In one of those tough, lesson learning type situations, they were denied the treat. Better that than 10 - 20 in the state pen one day. You've got to nip it I say!

Look at Matthew eying the goods. Grace wasn't in the picture. Hard to be since she was busy yanking on my arm and having a good cry.

A few camel facts:

  • Camels can live for up to 50 years, weigh from 250 to 680kgs and grow to be over 2 metres tall!
  • There are two types of camels: the Bactrian (or Asian) camel, which has two humps and the Dromedary (or Arabian) camel, has one hump. Dromedaries are the most common in Australia.
  • They gulp down their food without chewing, then regurgitate & chew the cud later. (Say it with me...eeiew)
  • The hump is full of fat, not water. It will shrink if the camel doesn't eat. Baby camels are born without a hump. They need to start eating solids before they'll develop one (or two).
And that's what I know about camels.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mamma Mia!!!!!

I have beautiful children. So funny, so smart, so cute. And I know that most of you who visit here come for the sole purpose of seeing pictures of the lovelies and hearing about their daily lives here in Australia. I understand that it's important for you to see pics and read the rather humorous tales that so often accompany them. But every once in a while, I have to work in a little bit of Angie. I have to let you know what I'm thinking and doing. It's not for you, it's for me. My own form of therapy or journaling. Get over it. I rule here. It's my show. So I'll tell you about my night.

I met a new friend tonight at the cinema to see the much talked about film "Mamma Mia". The cinema isn't usually the best place to go with a new friend. Not really a lot of opportunity to get to know each other. But we got there a little early and were able to talk a bit before the show. And truthfully the only thing worth writing about the evening itself is the odd occurance of a strange woman who decided to sit right next to me even though the theatre was only about 1/4 full at the time. What is that about? Don't people understand about personal space? It was so odd, it took me a full 5 minutes into the movie to get past it. But once I did, and was able to concentrate on the movie, the fun began.

Now, I'll apologize up front to all the men who stop by (not that many I'm sure). This is for the women. Go see this movie. Yes, it's a musical. Although I love Grease and enjoy watching the High School Musicals with the girls, they don't exactly pull me. I usually get uncomfortable in the singing parts. Don't know why. That's just me. But this movie surprised me. It wasn't one specific thing, it was the combination of singing and acting. It was the superb performance by Glenn Close (who I've never really been fond of) and the rest of the cast. It's a movie about life and love, about parents and friends, about getting your groove on. You'll laugh a lot. And you'll sing a lot of ABBA. Well, maybe not out loud...but you'll want to. You'll be sitting there wishing you could belt out Dancing Queen without making a total idiot of yourself.

This is a great, great chic flic. This is a grab your girlfriends, sisters, daughters and mammas, stop for dinner and margaritas, head for the cinema, groove in your seat and sing-along type of movie.

Let me know how you like it. Wish I was there with you all. Girl power!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Beans and Bread

Dying is expensive.

Let's think about it. There's the funeral and casket of course. For us there would be the cost of transportation of our lifeless bodies back to the U.S. Then there would be the counselling required for all who knew and loved us (hey, what's not to love?). And of course there would be the overall, non monetary cost to the community as a whole. We're a cool family.

So when you really get down to the nitty-gritty, buying four new tires to replace the non "road worthy" ones that we evidently had on the Toyota, should seem like a good investment. After all, it most certainly saves us from a flaming death on one of the roads (or more likely tricky round-a-bouts) here in little ol' Alice Springs, central Australia.

A good investment. A necessary invesment. It's a mantra in my head. I'm sure it was what Jason was thinking when he was signing the credit card slip for the $892.00 we were charged for four tires and balance. Yeah, I'm sure that's what he was thinking. He was thinking This is for my family. To keep them safe from harm. I love those guys.

Thank you honey. We love you too. And when you factor in the conversion rate it isn't really all that bad. Only $829.00 US dollars. Chump change. No big deal.

Gotta go now. Dinner to fix. The children will get used to the beans and bread. Luckily we can still afford vitamins to supplement. I think.