Saturday, December 29, 2007

FINALLY! A little exploring.

Simpson's Gap

This morning we decided to make our first expedition outside the city. We settled on a place somewhat close, since it was our first time (the kid's first time) out. Simpson's Gap is about 20 min away. It is a waterhole and prominent gap in the MacDonnell Ranges. Since we got a later start than intended (whoda thunk?) we ended up hitting it in high sun and heat. Luckily, once you park, it's a short walk to the gap itself. The pictures are in order. You can see that we first walked a trail alongside the dry bed (notice the no swimming sign) down to the gap. When we walked back, we came up the bed itself. It's rocky sand and a little slower, harder walking, so the kids started to complain a bit. All in all, I think they did well for their first walk-about! We had fun. There are some pictures taken in the car on the way home so you can see some of the scenery. Last are some of Cole and Brady playing air guitar and air keyboard to Willie Nelson and Gracie recuperating! Paula, these pics are for you!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Very Merry Christmas from the Cavanaghs


I'm cooking Christmas dinner. Let's hope it goes better than Thanksgiving dinner! Turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, fruit, cucumber tomato and onion salad, yum! Lots of starch but oh well, it's Christmas. Cole woke me up at 5:00 this morning and confessed that yes, he'd been in the living room and yes, Santa had brought presents. Luckily he wasn't too disappointed that his main gift had a part missing (curse Amazon) and the girls didn't care too much that there were no batteries for their toys (curse Mommy). All in all, despite the mishaps and the breakfast disaster, the morning was great (never should have tried to put fresh blueberries in the pancakes - my kids don't like "fresh" anything).

My Mom wrote a poem for me based on the description of our Christmas Eve day. Since it's so cute, I thought I would share: (ahem)

Momma awoke with a sniffle and a tear,
She’s having spring allergies for the second time this year.

But there is no time to feel bad on Christmas Eve day,
There is still much to do Jason would say.

So she hit the floor running at her top speed,
She knew that this man had to have someone to lead.

Getting the kids ready they were out the door,
Hardly letting their feet hit the floor.

To the butcher and grocer this family sped,
With thoughts of Christmas dinner in their heads.

Some turkey and veggies would be just the thing,
It had such a traditional Christmas ring.

Then it was on to the local K-mart store,
But after seeing the crowds it was back out the door.

By now the kids were all fussy and wanted to play,
The pool sounded great on this 90 degree day.

So home they went with their Christmas meal,
Angie’s allergies were better after taking her pill.

With the house to clear and gifts to wrap,
Jason could be heard grumbling about missing his nap.

After having their dinner there was cookies to make,
For Santa to have on his own special plate.

Covered with flour and sugar from their head to their toe,
“What time was Santa coming” they all wanted to know.

“Santa always comes to Australia first”, Pappa said,
So its time for all of you to go to bed.

After giving them lots of kisses and hugs,
They went to sleep, snug as a bug.

And after doing their special job, as good parents do,
They decided that it was their bedtime too.

And by turning the air to fifty degrees,
They knew that they would awake to an Australian Christmas would be as cool at they pleased.

And closing her eyes Angie took time to think,
That some things never change, even outside the States…….


So that's it in a nutshell. Once again, I have failed to mail my packages on time. This time, however, it's from halfway around the world ensuring that they will be even later than usual! No one is surprised I'm sure. I'm always late. But I'm consistent. Getting something on time would actually shock most of you so, instead of risking your healthy hearts, I'll just keep on being my old reliable self!

I also had grand intentions of getting Christmas cards out. "The road to hell..." I suppose. Anyway, since they were obviously not sent, I decided to present you with the pic I intended to use (above) as well as the other pics from that photo shoot (double click). Notice how the smiles get more and more forced! I think I got one of Brady pulling wedgie from her butt too. Classic.

We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas this year. We miss you terribly but are having a grand ole time!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

They Just Keep Growing Up

Cole's Birthday

Cole turned 7 on the 16th. My big man! Well, actually he's a little skinny but that's quite normal for his age I'm sure. Boney little thing he is! Anyway, we had a birthday party with the neighbors. We bought a pool and lots of water guns. The pool tried to get the best of us by needing a special adapter to inflate. But my ingenious husband turned the table. It's amazing what you can do with a tube, duct tape and a leaf blower! The kids stayed in until they were pruned and wrinkly. With only a few minor battle scars from overzealous gun-weilders. Pizza, Skittles and M&Ms rounded out with Chocolate/Chocolate cake and ice cream. All in all it was a good afternoon.

The pictures above (double click on the pic) are from the party but some before as well. Notice the girls' new cuts. Brady's is shorter but she's growing her bangs. Unfortunately she won't keep her hair clips in. She likes it hanging in her eyes. There are also some pictures from when we sat outside the other night with neighbors watching a storm roll in.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Brady Mourns her Later Loss of Hair

So I'm brushing Brady's hair this morning and telling her that both Cole and Gracie will be getting a hair cut tonight. Cole needs it, Grace wants it. So I ask Brady "would you like a haircut?". She's very thoughtful, she loves her long hair. But she feels like she's missing out on something and she really wants to try something new with hers. Brady decided that she wants it cut up to her shoulders, no her ears, no her shoulders, no her chin, no her shoulders. She finally settles on up to the shoulders but immediately begins to cry (very real, very distressed tears). Of course I told her that this was not a mandatory haircut. I really couldn't care less. Yes, it would be easier to care for, but, hey, it's her hair not mine. Her decision. So she insists that she wants a haircut but she continues to cry uncontrollably as I write this. Cole is speaking with her now. She's saying "I can't, hiccup, make, hiccup, a decision." What the hell will we do when she's 15?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tinsel and Teatowels

Cole's Christmas Program

Cole's Christmas program was called Tinsel and Teatowels. It was fabulous! Unfortunately, my camera flash kept making my photos too dark (couldn't have been user error!) so there aren't as many pics as I would have liked. Margaret from the front office is the one arranging Cole's tinsel and towel. I, having never been to one, had no idea what I was supposed to do with it. By the time I had finished with him, I somehow had him looking like a very fruity version of Super-Man. Thankfully she came to the rescue. Apparently we had too much tinsel, Margaret's job looked better but much like a shiny turban. Regardless, the night was great. We finished by having cookies and milk at our neighbor's house along with a few other families. The kids played outside until it was too dark to see and the adults sat around in lawn chairs chatting it up.

Another Installment of "Christmas in Australia"

Cole's Santa picture. (That's an X-Box in the bag). Guess Santa was having engine trouble.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Man Cold

Ok, saw this posted on someone else's blog and just had to put it on here. Too funny. This is actually from a BBC show "Man Stroke Woman". Look them up on YouTube if you want to see more.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Boy Grows Up

Cole didn't want to hold my hand today in front of his friends. Sniff.

Christmas in Australia

Brady and I were having a discussion yesterday and she asked me if I knew about the "Six White Boomers". Of course I didn't so she told me that Santa's sleigh was led by six white boomers (big kangaroos) in Australia. This explained the huge white kangaroos pulling Santa's chair in the local shopping plaza. Way cool. When Santa actually comes and we take a pic of the kids with him then I'll be sure to post it. Also, today at Brady's school, they played the coolest Aussie Jingle Bells song. I came home and looked it up with the intention of putting on the blog. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure how to put it on. So here is a site to listen and read the lyrics.

You'll have to just cut and paste, the link thing isn't working for me. Anyway, below is a description of some of the aussie terms in the song. (totally stolen from another website)

1) Holden is a make of car, its main opposition in Australia is Ford or Toyota. See below. Ute is an abbreviation of utility. The ute is usually based on the current model car and is thus about the size of a car and not usually as large as what Americans call a "pick up truck" so "dashing through the bush in a rusty Ford pick up truck" is a translation. Pronunciation Holden - hold den. Ute to rhyme with boot.

2) An esky is a portable cooler to keep your drink and food cool. Say 18 inches long by 12 wide by 15 height. A clip on lid and a handle, we put ice in them to do the cooling. Very well insulated,

3) A Kelpie is an Australian breed of dog. Much like a Border Collie only a rougher coat. Traditionally trained to herd sheep and is a farmers best friend.

4) Swaggie is an abbreviation of Swagman. These were men who during the depression tramped the country side with their few possession in a swag on their back. The english translation would be similar to a tramp.

5) Don't tell me you have not, run off and left your mum to do the washing up of all the dirty dishes after a meal. Shoot through means leave suddenly. This line means load the presents into the car and leave before the washing up is done.

A Holden Ute:

Not sure if that's a Kelpie on the back but it looks like some of the pics I've seen.

Today was cool and rainy in the evening. The kids played and rode bikes in the rain with their friends. I took a couple of pictures and will post when I get more taken (the batteries needed charging but I'm up and running now). Cole has his Christmas program tomorrow night so I'm sure we'll have tons from that too.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season so far. Miss you!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Brady's got Boobies

A self portrait. By Brady (in case you didn't recognize her). I fear she'll be like her mother, forever dreaming of the boobies she'll never have. Anyway, so sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Truthfully, there are times when my humor and thoughts stay locked in my head and I sit at the computer...poof, they disappear! Guess it's a blond thing.

We never made it to family day last weekend. After spending the morning in the heat (I thought Cole might pass out at the baseball game) and at gymnastics, we just couldn't see going back out in 105 degree weather. Yes, I said 105. And it's only going to get worse! The kids and I did have a great time at the birthday/pool party until someone went and pooed in the pool (thankfully not until right before we left). It wasn't any of us or anyone from our party (just in case you were wondering). Brady broke the pinata (how do you spell that?). She swung like a champ and put the big boys to shame.

Gotta go, a neighbor's here! I'll write more later.