Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Passion for Fashion

It was casual day at school last Friday. Well really, it was Harmony Day. Or as I like to call it "The Australian Can't We All Just Get Along Day." Kids could dress in everyday clothes or they could dress in something "traditional" that represented their heritage/cultural background. Of course, traditional dress was waaay too much trouble for the Cavanagh family. We opted for normal casual dress.

I use the term "normal" loosely.

For some reason I feel the need to add that my baby dressed herself.

Just so we're straight.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Cricket...It's Not Just a Noisy Bug

Scanning one of the old posts, I noticed that pictures of Jason playing cricket were promised (amongst other things) and never delivered. Well, don't say I don't hold true to a promise.


I just like to keep you all guessing. Wondering what's up. Did you know that it's 11:15 at night here and my husband is lord knows how many miles away? And I'm trying desperately to tire myself out so that I might get a few hours sleep before one of the munchkins crawls in bed with me? Only so I can get us to baseball by 7:45 in the morning.

TMI? Oh well. Learn to deal. You're my therapists. Waaay cheaper than the real thing.

Do you feel sorry for me? Good. That's my goal.

But I digress.

Here's my husband playing cricket.

What's cricket you ask? Well...hell if I know.

Truthfully, Jason and I have tried to watch it on TV.

But we were never able to figure it all out.

It's dreadfully boring. And it has something to do with those yellow poles. And running back-and-forth between them.

Or something.

It consists of a lot of this...standing around.

And this...drinking.

Well, probably not with the professionals. But at Back-yard bar-b-ques, that's what it's all about. As a matter of fact, one of the Aussie men said to me...

"Angie, Americans eat everything in site. Australians drink everything in site".

I think that may be true. I also think they're trying desperately to convert us.

And I think these Aussie men challenged our American men to a cricket duel so that they might show them up.

Well...good on 'ya my Aussie friends, you picked the right game. Our guys didn't have a clue.

But they had a blast. For all 6 hours of this horribly long, seemingly never-ending game. No offense to cricket players around the world.

And here's what the pooh-bears did while the boys played with bats and balls.

Swimming and movies.

All in all, we had a great day. Even considering that it was well over 100 degrees outside. But what's a little heat and sweat to a true athlete?

Love to all,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2009 Cheer Camp!!!!

OK. The only way that I can think to catch you up on allll the Cavanagh goings on is to thumb through my photos. But that kinda sorta backfires on me! I get caught up. I can't make decisions about which photos to post. And eventually, I look up to find I've been engrossed in our "life through the eyes of my camera" for 2 hours and..."Oh damn, I've got to cook dinner!". Or "Oh damn, I've got to pick up the kids!"

In case you don't know, I have a lot of "Oh damn" moments in my life. I hope that helps you to better understand my many delays. I hide my lack of sanity well.

So I decided to start this off with cheer camp! (That way I get the boys attention as well as the girls.) You remember cheer camp from last year? The Tampa Bay Buccaneer cheerleaders visited for an Armed Forces performance and were kind enough to put on a cheer camp for the little ones.

And let me tell you...those were some ugly women. It must be hard to go through life so disadvantaged in the looks area.

I wouldn't know about that.

This year we had the Arizona Cardinal cheerleaders. Straight from the Super Bowl. Not much easier on the eye. I had to do a whole lot of airbrushing to get them to look even remotely decent in their photos.

No need to thank me girls. Just helping a sista out.

Brady and Grace, along with all the other munchkins, got to do the conga onstage at the show. Here they are learning the moves.

That's me on the left.

Eventually the Moms got fed up with the utter lack of cheer and dance ability being displayed by the cheerleaders. We decided to give those girls a few pointers. Somebody had too. They really stunk and had no rhythm.

Here we are showing them how to dance. It was tough. We were a bit too fast for them...the moves a bit too complicated. That's ok. They tried their hardest and we sent them home with instructions to practice as much as possible.

One day, with luck and perseverance, they'll be more like us. Where else do you think the munchkins got their groovy moves?

Just check out this freeze dance....

Bustin moves around the globe,