Monday, May 12, 2008

Could Mother's Day Get Any Better?

These are my babies.

And these are my babies.

And on Mother's Day, 5.11.08, my babies were baptised.

These are my babies after baptism. Tired babies.

Our day was beautiful. Mine started at 5:30 to get the house and all of us ready (the day before had been spent, cleaning house, cooking food and decorating the candles). Our day didn't end until we put the kids down at 8:00 last night. We had friends over to celebrate until about 4:00 pm and then we went to the Whitman's house and celebrated some more. As is typical of Alice Springs, we drank numerous bottles of wine and ate, ate, ate. Father Raas and Father Nick joined us also. Father Raas is from Fiji and played guitar and sang a couple of songs in his language! We sang along as best we could (not well mind you)- it was way cool! Check out all pics from our big day.

And yes, my Mother's Day was emotional, overwhelming, beautiful and completely unforgettable. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!



BettySue said...

What a special Mother's Day you had. Everyone was beautiful (including you and Jason). Enjoy them, they are growing up so fast. We love and miss you all. Oh, Steve and I are trying to plan our trip "down under" in the mid November time frame. I will call or e-mail you to check your schedules.

Hugs to all - Aunt Betty Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie,

The girls dresses were adorable, and Cole was one very handsome boy. Wait until Mare logs on and sees these pictures. She is going to need a box of Kleenex.... What a great way to spend your Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

What a special day and such a beautiful family...2 little princesses and prince charming! No wonder you were emotional, Ang!
Deb,I'll share my kleenex with you and Mare :-)

Mom C

Anonymous said...

We've had computer issues - just got to see the beautiful pictures - and yes Deb was right I'm trying to type thru the tears. You know how much this means to me and you know who - I can't imagine how happy she is - what a special day for everyone of you! I'm mailing your package this week - promise. Luv to all of you, Mare

Anonymous said...


I am glad to see the family had such a nice Mother's Day. You deserve it! Please welcome the kids into the world of religion by making them feel really guilty about something mudane like Nana Gert did to me as a young boy. I hope is well and I will be sending some presents over to the little blokes a.s.a.p. to help celebrate their special day.
