Friday, January 30, 2009

I was sad...then I wasn't.

It's official! All of my children are in school! No stinkin' preschool either. We're talking the real deal!

Big Kid School.

Here they are on the first day...

Doesn't Cole look enthusiastic. He was sick of me and my camera by this point.

Here's our newest student...

Here she is talking about her first day...

Her teacher's name is Ms. Funstan. Can't get much better than that.

Brady's teacher is Ms. Nertney. Fun to say. One of the kids snickered when she introduced herself. That kid's gonna have a hard year. Brady's teacher also looks like she may not yet have graduated...from highschool. Brady's teacher makes me feel old.

Here's The Bug herself...

Here's Cole with smelly hat. (Sing to the tune of Smelly Cat) In fact, it could probably walk itself to the bin...if he ever let me pry it off his head.

Here's the album of all the pics taken.
2009 - First Day of School

I know, I haven't posted an album in a while. Truth be told I felt a bit guilty. I don't think that I took this many photos of Cole and Brady combined on their first days. Pondered on that for a bit and realized it's because this First Day represents freedom for me! Then I got a bit sad. Suddenly it felt like I had wished all my time away. My babies aren't babies anymore. They're almost grown. Kind of.

I was sad.

Then I looked up and realized it was 11:45 and that I had to go get Grace since they get out at 12:00 for the first three weeks.

And, just like that, I was so over sad.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Birthdays and Bagging Bastards

First let me say Hap - Hap - Happy Birthday to my Daddy and my Mom. Well, really Jason's Mom but I love her like she's my own! Her birthday is on the 23rd and Daddy's is on the 24th. And both don't look a day over 25. No's true.

In honor of their special day, two of our kids wanted to make this...

Please note Daddy that I said Grammy and Gramps at the end and it cut off for some reason.

The third child didn't want to sing on a video that "thousands" of people will see on this blog. Once I picked myself up off the floor, wiped my eyes and stopped laughing, he was excused from singing. After all, we've scarred him aplenty in his 8 years. No need to add to least not today.

Birthday wishes aside, I went to the grocery today. Diet Coke was on sale. Yipee for us since we're slightly addicted. I've tried and tried to quit since Aspartame has been hailed as the cause of all illness and the root of all world evil. But that nasty sweetner has a hold on me. I'm weak.

So the 18 pack of Diet Coke was on sale for like $12 or so. Woohoo, we're drinking cheap this week! A good deal puts me in a good mood, makes my step a little lighter. And I was alone. Just me with my Ipod. No kids present. I love shopping with my Ipod. Getting my groove on while cruising the aisles! A simple life. That's all I ask for. And I was comfy. Cotton dress that fits big and comfortable and my hippie Bass sandals. Life was good. Life was real good.

Then it wasn't. Life went real bad, real fast when the damn guy running the checkout mentioned that I shouldn't be lifting my case of Diet Coke. You see, he thought ladies "in the family way" should not be lifting heavy things.

Then I said "Well yeah? Does your face hurt...'cause it's killing me!! And then I said "And if my dog had a face like yours I'd shave his ass and make him walk backwards!" And then I said "I know you are but what am I?". And then I said "Your Momma!!". And then I said "Damn It!!!".

OK, I really didn't. I tried to be nice. But deep down I wanted that man to bleed.

Then I came home and trashed the frumpy dress.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

One Week

There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson week until the start of a new school year! Can I get a "hell yes"?

Hell yes,

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Achey Breaky Heart

I think I've mentioned once or twice here that I have no photos of myself. Seems I'm never in front of the camera, only behind. When I am in front, it usually ends up looking something like this...

or this...

never like this...

It makes changing my profile picture difficult. I like to change it often because I'm never satisfied with the pictures I do have. They don't quite capture the wonder of my beauty.

So today, I handed the camera over (the old one or course, Jason don't bust an artery) to the girls. They took 2 pictures of my dirty kitchen floor, 12 of a wall clock that has yet to be hung after all our time here, 1 of the wet towels hanging in the bathroom and 5 or 6 of me. All of which were goofy close-ups that would have been unflattering even without the piece of food that was stuck between my teeth.

The new profile pic you see today was the best I could come up with from the lot of them. It's too far away to really notice the food between my central and lateral incisors, and I actually had makeup on. But tell me honestly people, I really need to know...

Do I look like I have a mullet?

Because we really can't have that.

Business in the front, party in the back.
Angie aka Billy Ray

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Things You Might Like to Know...

1) Cole's down like that. He's cool like that...even with food on his face.

Word to yo motha.

2) Google Earth now has street view pictures of Heavitree Ct. You can even see the bike we left laying by the road.

3) Brady doesn't like to brush her hair all that often.

4) Goofballs live on our block. But this one makes a mean enchilada sauce.

5) Brady looks more and more like a 20 year old every day. Aaugh!

6) Crying and whining are Grace's favorite pastimes.

7) Cole's down like that. No really, he is.

8) Grace doesn't like to brush her hair all that often either.

9) There have been polar bear sightings in Alice Springs.

And finally...Things You Might Like to Know #10...........

I have cute kids.

That last pic was from a rock climbing adventure we went on the other day. I'll post more from that one soon!

Love to all,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh My Bloody Hell!!!

Oi what a day! At times I think I'm scatter brained. Other times I believe, to my core, that I am mentally challenged. That perhaps I should have been in that class in high-school. You know, the class for the special kids. Which, by the way, a couple of my cousins attended and I was such a bitch in my youth that I rarely waved back when they waved at me in the school hallway. I think they thought I was cool. In my defense, I was not. I was so close to being uncool that I thought the wave might just push me over the edge. So instead I'd smile and nod my head. Am I ashamed of my behavior? Yes, absolutely. But I've changed. Now I'm the type of person that has entire conversations with swaying, drunken, smelly aboriginal people in the Noodle Box, about how much change they need to get the chips that they want but can't afford. I just keep going "What? Speak up, I can't understand you. All I've got is this gold coin. But you can have it. You won't be able to afford the prawns though." And the people at Noodle Box just look at me like I'm an idiot. Which I might be.

But I digress.

On Friday the kids and I were invited to one of the local pools with a friend and her two boys. The plan was to meet up about 11:30 midday for a nice cool swim under the Australian sun. I've been here for a year and a half now. You think I would know something about the Australian sun midday. Not kind. Not kind at all. I 30spf'd up the kids and my top half (which is the strongest they sell here because science has shown that anything higher doesn't actually work better). I didn't put anything on my legs because I wanted a "bit" of sun and thought I would see if my friend had anything less than 30. Unfortunately she didn't, so I went without for just a bit to get sun and then slathered some on. Well here's a little something you didn't know. I like to talk. No really, I do. Yes, I know, it's hard to fathom. Anyway, my small amount of time in the sun without sunscreen was actually way more than a small amount. Thanks to my diarrhea of the mouth, I lost track of time and burned myself. Badly.

As I said, mentally challenged.

Now we know how much I adore (i.e. crave and require) your sympathy when I'm feeling tired, put-upon, or in pain. It's the first thing I think about when something happens. I say to myself "Self, you have got to tell them about this". "Them" of course being my loyal fan base of 4.

Well, I was in pain. I'm still in pain. This ain't no happy camper you're hearing from today. I'ma hurtin'. So I call up my neighbor and say "Get over here, I gotta show you something" and when she gets here she agrees to take my picture to show all of you.

Now, let's think about it. What is the best way to photograph a sunburn, especially one that is primarily on the lower back and upper back thigh. Awkward photo to say the least. Really, the resulting display of skin has too many similarities with internet nudie pictures. So as she starts to snap the pics, I get a serious case of the giggles followed by a serious case of the sillies. In other words, I acted a bit foolish and after three pictures, we decided that the whole idea was bunk and that I was just going to have to have you feel sorry for me sans photo! After all, bare skin on my 38 year old thighs looks a bit cottage cheese-ish. There is only so far I will go for the story.

Now, I know this is long....but stay with me on this.

About 30 minutes after that fiasco of a photo shoot, the kids and I decided to head out for some pizza. Nothing comforts a girl like pizza when she's upset about her body image. Can I hear an Amen?

While we're gone, Jason swings by the house to change for a Boys' Steak Night Out that he and some guys from work are having. Buzz, a good friend and his office partner is riding with him. Buzz is married to Helen and we socialize with them every once in a while. Great people. Buzz and Helen have Alex who is 12 and Buzz's by a first marriage. Essentially, they have a child but not one that lives in. We've been to their house for dinner before and out to restaurants, but they have never been to our house. They've dropped off and picked up before but have never been invited in. This is our fault and is generally because the place is an embarrassing wreck, but it's become a joke between the four of us. Buzz and Helen are never invited in.

Well, Jason's guilt got the best of him on Friday afternoon. Buzz was invited in. Not only were there dishes on the table and sticky spots on the floor, Jason decided to give him our new camera to entertain himself while Jason changed.

"Oh My Bloody Hell"!!!

Buzz is British and this is what I imagine he said when he ran across those pics as he stood amongst the sty that is our home. And he did run across the pics.

Sooooo, in the spirit of good blogging I decided "why not?".

Humiliating to say the least but I'm getting a little better at the Photoshop thing and was able to take out some of the dimples!

Thank goodness for advancements in digital photography!

Painfully honest,

Monday, January 12, 2009

A New Look - Well Sorta

Ain't it cute?!?!?!? I really don't know what got into me. But I'm so glad it did! Now if I could only get it centered on the page without that funny block behind it. I have so, so much to learn.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Meet Flash and Phil Cavanagh

Flash and Phil come from the east coast somewhere. They were in need of a home and we were in need of pets that flush should they outlive our stay here in Australia. Perfect fit.

We got Flash, Phil, two sets each including container, rocks, fishy decor, food and water conditioner...all for the low, low price of $103.

But it's soooo worth it for the love a pet can give. Someone to take on walks and to snuggle with. I'm just not looking forward to having to let them out at 4 am.

Anyway, we have another addition to the family. Our new camera. I say "our" new camera when in actuality it's more like "my" new camera. But I don't like to sound selfish about it so I say "our" new camera. We all know how selfless I can be.

Here's some quick play shots:

That last one would have been a good pic if Gracie hadn't had her deer in the headlights look going on.

I'm currently pouring through the manual which is about 3 inches thick. I made if halfway through a very informative video last night before my eyelids got too heavy. Tomorrow I'll hit the library for a couple of books.

Wish me....ahem "us"....luck. And wish Flash and Phil luck. We haven't always been known as the best of caregivers!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Birthday Songs

Hip Hip Hooray!

Beautiful, Brawny and Brainy

The birthday videos haven't made it up yet. Forgive me. I've been stuck on uploading a video of Brady in a recent school play. Having to manipulate the video so that you can actually identify her in the video while still being able to complete the upload some time this month. There is a very fine line.

In the meantime I'll leave you with a little conversation that I overheard (ie stood very, very quietly at the door and listened in on) today. I love eavesdropping on my kids and their friends. Until I hear something that I'm not ready to deal with yet. Nothing scares the shit out of a parent more than "overhearing" a bunch of eight year old boys talk about "humping". It made me feel better that my son's part in the conversation was just enough to convince the others he knew what he was talking about, and just enough to convince me that he didn't. A good thing? Maybe not. But I think I would have puked if he was any more knowledgeable. Like I said, fine lines.

Conversation between Brady, Grace and Neighbor Girl while playing with blocks:

(Not that "Neighbor Girl" doesn't warrant a name, I just want to protect her identity. Keeps lawsuits down.)

Keep in mind that during this entire exchange you could hear the click and clack or wood hitting wood - they never actually stopped playing with the blocks.

Neighbor Girl: I'm gonna knock yours down Grace.
Grace: You're mean Neighbor Girl. Stop being mean or you'll leave.
Brady: Yeah Neighbor Girl, stop being mean or we'll make you leave.
Neighbor Girl: You can't make me leave I'll hit you.
Brady: My Mom can make you leave. She's really strong.
Grace: Yeah.
Brady: She's really strong and she's got muscles.
Grace: Yeah, she's got muscles.
Brady: She exercises at the gym and she's got strong muscles.
Grace: Yeah.
Brady: She's got one thousand fifteen muscles. She went to the hospital and asked them how many muscles she has and they said she has one thousand fifteen. She's very strong. Stronger than you.
Grace: Yeah, and, and, and, and you better be nice.
Neighbor Girl: OK. (Eye roll)

Well I didn't actually see the eye roll but I'm sure it was there. And no, it isn't your imagination, Grace did sound a bit like Rain Man.

Oh, and she's right. I have been working out pretty hard. Trying to get healthy and all that. Here's a pic of me at the gym.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful,

Oh and while I was busy with that rather quick and crappy cut and paste job, my video finished uploading.

Brady's performance in a school play...The Aboriginal Story of Tiddilick.

Long story short, it's about some great big enormous frog that eventually turned into a mountain (I think). Brady was one of the narrators. She is number 6 in line and wearing a silver Koala hat. Her lines...

Tiddilick stuck his head into the water and drank up allllll the water in the billibong. But Tiddilick was still thirsty.

Keep those lines in mind and enjoy the show...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Our House

Ok, thought I'd finally give you something besides the heat. Although it's still very hot. Holy Crap Hot. But I know you're sick of it. All four of my fans have told me so. I've been threatened. And I'm scared.

Let's start with a few pics. More insight into the Cavanagh household. We may be a lot of things but we are never boring! And a picture is worth a thousand words. Wouldn't it be great if a picture was worth a thousand dollars? I'm sure some pictures are but not any of the ones that you'll find on this site.

Anyhoo... #1...

Nothing much to add to that.

#2...Found amongst the linens...

And #3 just for emphasis...

How about #4...found on my son's ceiling...

And #5 just for emphasis...

#6...The face of Trouble...

And #7...Trouble's evil minions...

#8...What the pool looked like when a directionally challenged Angie set it up...

#9...What it is supposed to look like...

See the happy family? That's not how my family looked.

False advertising.

Speaking of...

This is what I can look like if I buy this Victoria's Secret bikini for the low, low price of $36. All glisteny and everything.

Of course we'll need to factor in a couple of surgeries and daily workouts with my trainer...but Jason probably won't mind.

It's a good investment.

Admit it, you missed me.

Gonna try to upload a couple of birthday videos tomorrow so check back.