Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Achey Breaky Heart

I think I've mentioned once or twice here that I have no photos of myself. Seems I'm never in front of the camera, only behind. When I am in front, it usually ends up looking something like this...

or this...

never like this...

It makes changing my profile picture difficult. I like to change it often because I'm never satisfied with the pictures I do have. They don't quite capture the wonder of my beauty.

So today, I handed the camera over (the old one or course, Jason don't bust an artery) to the girls. They took 2 pictures of my dirty kitchen floor, 12 of a wall clock that has yet to be hung after all our time here, 1 of the wet towels hanging in the bathroom and 5 or 6 of me. All of which were goofy close-ups that would have been unflattering even without the piece of food that was stuck between my teeth.

The new profile pic you see today was the best I could come up with from the lot of them. It's too far away to really notice the food between my central and lateral incisors, and I actually had makeup on. But tell me honestly people, I really need to know...

Do I look like I have a mullet?

Because we really can't have that.

Business in the front, party in the back.
Angie aka Billy Ray

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